Exercise 14.3.4
Given an interval tree $T$ and an interval $i$, describe how to list all intervals in $T$ that overlap $i$ in $\O(\min(n, k \lg n))$ time, where $k$ is the number of intervals in the output list. (Hint: One simple method makes several queries, modifying the tree between queries. A slightly more complicated method does not modify the tree).
The simple method would be to remove the interval and search again, until an interval is no longer present.
I struggle to formally establish an upper bound. Intuitively, if $k = n$, that is, all intervals overlap with the one that is being searched for, it will always be the root, and removing the root would be a constant operating, establishing $\O(n)$ complexity. I'm not sure how to reason about this when $k < n$ but $n < k \lg n$. Should pan out, but no idea why.
An algorithm that does not modify the tree is doable, but the upper bound still evades me. Let's explore it nonetheless.
Once we visit a node, we can check whether it overlaps and add its interval to the result if it does. We're then in a situation in which we may have to explore both branches of the tree. Letting $x$ be the node, we have the following constraints to work with:
- $x.left$ will not contain overlapping intervals if $x.left.max < i.low$.
- $x.right$ will not contain overlapping intervals unless $[x.int.low, x.right.max]$ overlaps with $i$.
We can use this to avoid visiting some of the nodes in the tree. The resulting algorithm will certainly be $\O(n)$, because it does not visit a node more than once. Whether it is $\O(k \lg n)$, I have no idea.
def search(tree, interval):
result = []
def collect(node):
if node.interval.overlaps(interval):
if node.left and interval.low <= node.left.max:
if node.right and Interval(node.interval.low,
return result
Python code
from enum import Enum from collections import deque class Interval: def __init__(self, low, high): assert low <= high self.low = low self.high = high def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Interval) and self.low == other.low and \ self.high == other.high def __hash__(self): return hash((self.low, self.high)) def __contains__(self, n): return self.low <= n <= self.high def __repr__(self): return f"Interval({self.low}, {self.high})" __str__ = __repr__ def overlaps(self, other): return self.low <= other.high and other.low <= self.high class Color(Enum): RED = 1 BLACK = 2 NIL_KEY = object() def other(direction): if direction == 'left': return 'right' elif direction == 'right': return 'left' else: assert(False) def max_maybe(*args): return max([arg for arg in args if arg is not None]) class Node: def __init__(self, color, interval, parent, left, right, max, tree): self.color = color self.interval = interval self.parent = parent self.left = left self.right = right self.tree = tree self.max = max def sexp(self): if self.isNil(): return 'NIL' color = 'R' if self.color == Color.RED else 'B' return f"{color}({self.interval}, max={self.max}, {self.left}, {self.right})" __str__ = sexp def black_height(self): node = self height = 0 while node is not nil: if node.color == Color.BLACK: height += 1 node = node.parent return height def isRed(self): return self.color == Color.RED def isBlack(self): return self.color == Color.BLACK def isNil(self): return self.interval is NIL_KEY def isNotNil(self): return not self.isNil() def __bool__(self): return self.isNotNil() def child(self, direction): if direction == 'left': return self.left elif direction == 'right': return self.right else: assert(False) def set_child(self, direction, child): if direction == 'left': self.left = child elif direction == 'right': self.right = child else: assert(False) __getitem__ = child __setitem__ = set_child def other(self, direction): return self.child(other(direction)) def rotate(self, direction): child = self.other(direction) self[other(direction)] = child[direction] if child[direction]: child[direction].parent = self child.parent = self.parent if not self.parent: self.tree.root = child elif self is self.parent[direction]: self.parent[direction] = child else: self.parent[other(direction)] = child child[direction] = self self.parent = child self.max = max_maybe( self.interval.high, self.left.max if self.left else None, self.right.max if self.right else None, ) child.max = max_maybe( child.interval.high, child.left.max if child.left else None, child.right.max if child.right else None, ) def left_rotate(self): self.rotate('left') def right_rotate(self): self.rotate('right') def transplant(self, other): if not self.parent: self.tree.root = other elif self is self.parent.left: self.parent.left = other else: self.parent.right = other other.parent = self.parent def set(self, parent=None, left=None, right=None, color=None): if color: self.color = color if left is not None: self.left = left if right is not None: self.right = right if parent is not None: self.parent = parent def minimum(self): node = self while node.left: node = node.left return node nil = Node(Color.BLACK, NIL_KEY, None, None, None, None, None) nil.parent = nil nil.left = nil nil.right = nil class IntervalTree: def __init__(self): self.root = nil def __str__(self): return self.root.sexp() def find(self, interval): node = self.root while node: if node.interval == interval: return node elif interval.low < node.interval.low: node = node.left else: node = node.right return None def search(self, interval): node = self.root while node: if interval.overlaps(node.interval): return node elif node.left and node.left.max >= interval.low: node = node.left else: node = node.right return None def search_all(self, interval): result = [] def collect(node): if node.interval.overlaps(interval): result.append(node.interval) if node.left and interval.low <= node.left.max: collect(node.left) if node.right and Interval(node.interval.low, node.right.max).overlaps(interval): collect(node.right) collect(self.root) return result def nodes(self): items = deque() if self.root: items.append(self.root) while items: node = items.popleft() yield node if node.left: items.append(node.left) if node.right: items.append(node.right) def insert(self, interval): new = Node(Color.RED, interval, None, None, None, interval.high, self) parent = nil node = self.root while node: parent = node if new.interval.low < node.interval.low: node = node.left else: node = node.right new.parent = parent if not parent: self.root = new elif new.interval.low < parent.interval.low: parent.left = new else: parent.right = new new.set(left=nil, right=nil, color=Color.RED) self.max_fixup(parent) self.insert_fixup(new) def max_fixup(self, node): while node: node.max = max_maybe( node.interval.high, node.left.max if node.left else None, node.right.max if node.right else None ) node = node.parent def insert_fixup(self, node): while node.parent.isRed(): if node.parent is node.parent.parent.left: direction = 'left' else: direction = 'right' if direction == 'left' or direction == 'right': uncle = node.parent.parent[other(direction)] if uncle.isRed(): node.parent.color = Color.BLACK uncle.color = Color.BLACK node.parent.parent.color = Color.RED node = node.parent.parent else: if node is node.parent[other(direction)]: node = node.parent node.rotate(direction) node.parent.color = Color.BLACK node.parent.parent.color = Color.RED node.parent.parent.rotate(other(direction)) self.root.color = Color.BLACK def delete(self, interval): deleted = self.find(interval) y = deleted y_original_color = y.color if not deleted.left: extra_black = deleted.right deleted.transplant(deleted.right) self.max_fixup(deleted) elif not deleted.right: extra_black = deleted.left deleted.transplant(deleted.left) self.max_fixup(deleted) else: y = deleted.right.minimum() y_original_color = y.color extra_black = y.right todo = None if y.parent is deleted: extra_black.parent = y else: todo = y.parent y.transplant(y.right) y.right = deleted.right y.right.parent = y deleted.transplant(y) y.left = deleted.left y.left.parent = y y.color = deleted.color self.max_fixup(todo or y) if y_original_color == Color.BLACK: self.delete_fixup(extra_black) def delete_fixup(self, node): while node is not self.root and node.isBlack(): if node is node.parent.left: direction = 'left' else: direction = 'right' sibling = node.parent[other(direction)] if sibling.isRed(): sibling.color = Color.BLACK node.parent.color = Color.RED node.parent.rotate(direction) sibling = node.parent[other(direction)] if sibling.left.isBlack() and sibling.right.isBlack(): sibling.color = Color.RED node = node.parent else: if sibling[other(direction)].isBlack(): sibling[direction].color = Color.BLACK sibling.color = Color.RED sibling.rotate(other(direction)) sibling = node.parent[other(direction)] sibling.color = node.parent.color node.parent.color = Color.BLACK sibling[other(direction)].color = Color.BLACK sibling.parent.rotate(direction) node = self.root node.color = Color.BLACK